by Marabella Enterprises, LLC

This campaign is to raise funding to support the production of Il Mio Posto a Tavola, a documentary film exploring one man's adoption story that illuminates the universal need to belong. Your contribution is tax-deductible!
Il Mio Posto a Tavola (My Place at the Table)!
... An Adoption Story
a new documentary film from
Marabella Enterprises and Schott Productions
Support the Film!
We invite you to support the making and distribution of our film. Every donation is tax-deductible (see limitations and details in our FAQ on this page), and you will receive a receipt for your donation sent by From The Heart Productions, our fiscal sponsor. All contributions will be used to support the production, post-production, marketing and distribution, including travel to Italy where most of the filming will be done.
We will gratefully acknowledge your contribution with a screen credit and the following incentives/rewards:
Post-Production Support
Suggested Levels:
Invitation to a Private Premiere Screening in Reading, PA + Screen Credit
Invitation to a Pre-Premiere Focus Group Screening (in Reading, PA or via Zoom) + Rewards above
Invitation to the Black Tie Premiere Reception & Screening + Rewards above
Acknowledged at all Screenings + Rewards above
Special Screen Credit as "Associate Producer" + Rewards above
For contributions greater than $5,000.00, please email Marabella Enterprises Email.
Your Contribution is Tax-Deductible!
The receipt you receive will say that you donated to: From The Heart Productions. They are our fiscal sponsor. Your contribution is considered a tax-deductible, charitable contribution. We hope you will "Save Your Seat" at our table! Thank you!
To make a US tax-deductible contribution by check, please make your check payable to From the Heart Productions and add "Il Mio Posto a Tavola" to the check Memo. Please send checks to:
From The Heart Productions
1013 Harbor Blvd #53
Oxnard, CA 93035
Follow Us!
$41,480 RAISED
$50,000 GOAL
110 | 121 | 83% |
Days Left | Believers | Funded |